Building a Better Brand
We recognize the impact our products have on the environment & are taking steps to improve our sustainability practices every year.
We recognize the impact our products have on the environment & are taking steps to improve our sustainability practices every year.
Wir bei WANDRD glauben, dass Nachhaltigkeit und ethische Praktiken für Verbraucher von entscheidender Bedeutung sind. Wir sind uns unserer Verantwortung als globaler Hersteller physischer Güter bewusst und verbessern unsere Nachhaltigkeitspraktiken kontinuierlich für eine bessere Zukunft.
Striving for ongoing improvement, we prioritize sustainability by collaborating with suppliers who share our values. Our partners are certified by Bluesign or Oeko-Tex, meeting rigorous environmental and social standards.
WANDRD values the ethical treatment of workers by choosing a factory partner who shares our ideals and surpasses expectations. Our partner in Vietnam leads the way by implementing a 5-day workweek with above-average salaries, reducing working hours, and promoting a positive work environment.
WANDRD acknowledges the environmental impact of our products and strives to enhance sustainability practices. We prioritize partnerships with like-minded suppliers and constantly expand our knowledge of environmental effects. Our factory partner ensures ethical treatment and fosters excellent working conditions. WANDRD's dedication aims to create a positive impact on people and the planet.
Wir schaffen Produkte, die Menschen dazu inspirieren, rauszugehen und ein leidenschaftliches Leben zu führen; das Leben im Augenblick erforschen, erschaffen und leben
Our mission is simple: to inspire people to get out and live passionately; exploring, creating, and living life in the moment.
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